Dodge City, KS radar loop

For those of you curious about the parent supercell that went on to produce the devastating and deadly Greensburg, KS tornado, I've put together a rather extensive radar loop from the Dodge City radar.

To view the loop, simply click on the following link:

The loop begins around 5:13pm CDT on May 4th, when the first storm echoes were picked up by the radar over far northeastern portions of the Texas panhandle. It continues through late that evening, until 4:31am on May 5th, when convection finally departed the radar coverage area.

The storm chaser in me wants to say, "what a beautiful storm..." Yet, knowing now what kind of damage this monster tornado brought to the tiny town of Greensburg is very sobering. It's truly amazing that no more were killed. Folks, this tornado 25 years ago very likely could have killed a hundred or more. Adequate warning systems helped tremendously that night and those people in Greensburg, having a plan, knew what to do and where to go.

Have a plan, folks... This can and will happen again. If we all do our part, we can also keep death tolls to a minimum!

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